Friday, June 19, 2009

My teenage movie addictions

I believe the movies that we love as teenagers remain with us till we are old . I for one cannot see Christian Slater without picturing him as JD or Mark Hunter , or Winona Ryder without seeing her as Veronica, Kim or Lelaina and when Michael Hutchence died I didn't mourn the loss of Michael the rock star I mourned Sammy No Brain . From this post on I will post some forgotten pictures from some of my favourite teenage movies .

First up is Heathers .

Veronica ( Winona Ryder )goes to school with 3 girls all called Heather. The Heathers form a clique and ridicule everyone and are basically bad bitches. Veronica is like the 4th Heather, in but also out . Along comes JD ( Christian Slater ) the bad boy , and he and Veronica get together . What happens next ? Well look for the movie and find out.

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